Five Tips for Writing Room Descriptions For a Hotel Website
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Imagine someone has landed on your hotel website. They like what they see and are interested to find out more information. But they have not made the decision to book. So this is where you still have work to do to persuade them that your hotel is exactly what they are looking for. Every page […]
Hotel SEO: The List of Keyword Research Tools
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It’s a thin line between keywords-rich content and keywords stuffing. At the same time, you need to remember that you are primarily writing for humans, not algorithms, so your articles have to be naturally readable and give value and information to the reader. To write an article that strikes a nice balance, and genuinely improves […]
Five Reasons Why Your Hotel Needs a Blog
![Five Reasons Your hotel Needs a Blog](–-2.png)
Running a hotel successfully is not an easy thing to do. No matter how big or small your team is, the daily to-do list for each team member is probably already very long. So you need to be working smart, and what know your priorities are. Starting a hotel blog and, more importantly, keeping it […]
Hotel Copywriting: SEO black hat techniques to avoid
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The world of SEO used to be incredibly murky. Dodgy companies could help the worst websites hit the top of Google’s search results using shady tactics known as the SEO black hat techniques. Over time, however, Google got wise to to these practices, and turned the tables – heavily punishing those who had been exploiting […]
Top five SEO copywriting tips for hotels
![Top Hotel Copywriting Tips](–-2.png)
You have probably heard marketeers talking about SEO a lot. In case you are unfamiliar with that term or not really sure what it is, here’s a quick explanation: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation and is a group of various processes that combined together help websites rank better on search engines like Google. A […]