5 Expert Tips to Improve Your Hotel Website
Is your hotel website the best it can be, or you could improve it to get to that point?
Most Common Web Design Mistakes On Hotel And Travel Websites
In today’s digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for the success of any hotel or travel business. However, many hotel and travel websites still fall victim to common web design mistakes that can negatively impact the entire user experience.
Can You Create A Hotel Website For Less Than 100 Pounds?
Is it possible to create a cheap website for a hotel that will cost less than, for example, 100 pounds?
Free Analytics Tools For Travel And Hotel Websites
It’s important to know how your website is performing because that information can help you make the right decisions about your overall strategy and marketing efforts. And thankfully, there are a number of both free and paid analytics tools available that can help you do that.
Anatomy Of Effective Hotel Websites
The ultimate goal of every hotel is to be independent of OTAs and generate a significant amount of direct bookings each month – and websites are there to help them achieve that.
Five Ways To Increase The Number Of Direct Hotel Bookings
The ultimate goal of every hotel is to reduce OTA dependency and increase the number of direct bookings.
Different ways to use one illustration
One of the reasons why I love illustrations so much – from a practical perspective – is their versatility. You can literally repurpose a single illustration and use it in both digital and traditional marketing, without giving a sense of repetition.
5 Social Media Tips For Travel And Hospitality Businesses
Travel and social media go together like holidays and ice cream. People just love to share videos and photos from their travels – and they equally love to watch other people’s travel content. Social media is perfect for finding out about lesser-known destinations, tourist tips, and advice, and for finding travel inspiration.
My Digital Travel Journal: Illustrations From a Summer Trip
At the start of the summer, we went on a two-week adventure where we got to experience a music festival at an abandoned airport in Berlin, take the famous Snälltåget overnight train from Berlin to Stockholm, enjoy Fika like locals and arrive to Tallinn from the sea!
Why Every Hotel Should Use Illustrations
This article was originally written for and published for Hotel Speak – the hotel and travel marketing community. Whether it’s a beautiful beach, local landmark, or a stunning landscape, travel is primarily a visual experience, so all hotels should be using dazzling visual content to engage their audiences effectively.